This Denver concrete polishing job was for Young Americans Bank is a bank located on 3550 East First Avenue. The bank is the only bank in the world that was designed for young people (21 and under). The bank does a great job of teaching young people all about banking – and how to properly manage their money.
This is a concrete polishing and dyeing job that we did for the facility.
Before Concrete Polishing

As you can see the floor was tile with grout that had accumulated years of wear and tear and some dirt and staining as well. This tile floor was placed on top of a second level metal deck. There were cracks everywhere.
Our Process
We were able to remove the tile using a heavy duty floor scraper, and we disposed of the tile.
After the tile, grout and adhesive were removed, we ground down the concrete, filled the cracks and added our concrete dye.
After Concrete Polishing

You can see how light and reflective the concrete floor was when we were finished. With the colors we added, it gives the bank a much more elegant look. This concrete floor is also easy to maintain, and will require only occasional sweeping and passes with a floor scrubber.
While the floor’s reflectivity makes it look slippery – it actually is a non-slip certified floor. Concrete floors are also environmentally friendly as they last an extremely long time (unlike floor coatings like tile that need to be replaced much more frequently).
Satisfied Customer
Upon seeing the finished product, our contact at Young Americans bank had this to say:
“It’s absolutely gorgeous. Thanks and talk soon.”
View More School Concrete Polishing Jobs
We provide our services to many schools each year. View more of our school concrete polishing jobs.