This article from L&M Construction Chemicals ( describes how the team from Concrete Floor Systems completed this Boulder Concrete Polishing job by working with the City of Boulder school district at Manhattan Middle School to rehabilitate 23,000 square feet of the school. The article describes in depth how the Concrete Floor Systems team performed concrete grinding on the floor to make it just right for the PermaShine application.
Of course, we also love it when our clients are highly satisfied with the work that we’ve done. As you read the article, note that our clients were very happy with the hard work we put into the job – and they’re also pleased because they know that the new concrete floor will save the school district money in the long run. Here’s what Tom Blahak – from Boulder’s Manhattan Middle School had to say about his new floor and Concrete Floor Systems:
The Concrete Floor Systems crew worked until they got it right. There were some tense moments, but they never gave up hope that this floor was going to be fabulous. They made everything right. We are all very pleased with the final outcome. We love the multi-colored concrete stain selected by our architect. It looks better and better every day. We are cleaning the floor regularly, (with FGS Conditioner) like they instructed, and we can see that the appearance just improves each time. The school board feels that our FGS polished floor will save the district money in long-term maintenance costs and look good besides.

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